Saturday, March 28, 2020

augmented oscilloscope

the basic peppers ghost scheme (taken from wiki)

just an idea i had
of using peppers ghost illusion for electronics debugging
aiming a camera to the instrument that will be used
such as oscilloscope dmm or anything else
and displaying it on the transparent display

lcd screen with perspex at 45 degree angle (mirrored image)

aim the cameras to the desired instruments and display it on the screen

how it looks trough the perspex
i actually used a bigger setup (screen and perspex)
but with the same configuration
one disadvantage is that i didnt used the complete illusion setup
only one perspex so the actual image was mirrored 

some videos (looks better in real life)

for a better setup i would have use the complete peppers ghost setup
a bright screen / projector a mirror at 45 degree and a sheet of glass
and for the golden ticket use a transparent touch panel for easier control

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